1. What are the POINTS?
A Member-customer can pay an order cost by the Points, which he/she accumulated during shopping history. Every KOREADEPART member awarded by a certain amount of points after the actions listed below:Please check your points at [ My account ] page.
A Member-customer can use Points to provide ONLY full payment for an order cost. NO partial payments made by points are allowed.
※ Only if accumulated amount of points is higher than an order cost amount it would be possible to provide the payment with points. In only at this condition a fill-in-box will appear to proceed with [by points] payment (amount of Points > Oder cost).
※ Shipping cost cannot be paid by point.
※ Shipping cost should be paid by cash even when order cost is paid by points.
2. Where can I check my points?
▲ Please log in first, and click “My Account”.
▲ You can check all your points at My Account.
3. How to use “points”
1. Get coupons!
2. Use coupon!
3. Special Notice