: Sweet, salty, sweet and salty honey butter and seaweed snack meet and are delicious.
: Avoid sun light, keep in cool place.
Product detail information
Country of origin
How to use
Please refer to the production description.
In case of any alergic or any abnormal symptoms, please stop ingesting the product, and consult with a doctor right away.
In case of any manufacturing faulty or problem with the product, you can get a refund or exchange through the customer center of Koreadepart after 7 business days since the product was delivered.
Standard of quality assurance
If any defects of product found, we may compensate based on「Standard of consumer dispute resolution」notified by Fair Trade Commission.
Consumer consulting center
Email : / Call : +82-70-8885-1490
Types of shipping method
Shipping time of delivery : In average 4 - 14 business days
Parcel weight : 500 g ~ 30 kg
Tracking option : Constant tracking updates
Small Package
Shipping time of delivery : In average 14 - 20 business days
Parcel weight : 200 g ~ 2,000 g (Including packaging) (In case if the order gross weight is more than 2,000g, we will contact you).
Tracking option : Slow tracking updates
Shipping time of delivery : In average 5 business days
Parcel weight : 500 g ~ 30 kg (Including packaging)
A request for refund and exchange should be made within 7 days after the delivery date. If 7 days already passed, Request can be refused.
Customer’s request Please contact us by our QA board or Email. All returning and additional shipping costs should be paid by the customer.
On our side:
1) Wrong or Missing Item: Refund and exchange is possible
2) Lost or Damaged item: Please contact us by our QA board or Email. Refund and exchange will be made depending on each case.
Delivery company's fault: Compensated by the delivery company
If the recipient doesn't follow the Domestic Import tax law, and the parcel is returned.
1) All returning and additional shipping cost should be paid by the customer
2) The first shipping cost you paid is not refundable (or will be held from the order cost amount if it was a “free shipping” order)
3) If a cancelled order cost is more than USD 100, there will be a 25% cancellation charge + handling fees.
After your order is shipped, some minor deformation or damage of the contents might be caused by the impact of Customs procedures and Delivery process such as Small scratches or package deformation, etc. In this case, the refund or exchange is not available as long as the contents are not usable.