Candy/Jelly Other food products

Soda Sugar Tablet Candy 450g (15gx30ea)

Soda Sugar Tablet Candy 450g (15gx30ea)
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Soda Sugar Tablet Candy 450g (15gx30ea)

▶ Manufacturer: Cheongwon Food

▶ Origin: Korea

▶ Ingredients: Sugar 82.44%, maltodextrin, grape syrup, vitamin C, synthetic flavoring (cider, cola), etc.

▶ Expiration date: Until the indicated date

▶ Product description

: You can enjoy two flavors of cola and cider at once.

: You can feel the refreshing taste of carbonated drinks in cute candies
 shaped like cola and cider bottles.

: Avoid direct sunlight and store in a place with low temperature and humidity.


Product detail information
Country of origin
How to use
Please refer to the production description.
In case of any alergic or any abnormal symptoms, please stop ingesting the product, and consult with a doctor right away.
In case of any manufacturing faulty or problem with the product, you can get a refund or exchange through the customer center of Koreadepart after 7 business days since the product was delivered.
Standard of quality assurance
If any defects of product found, we may compensate based on「Standard of consumer dispute resolution」notified by Fair Trade Commission.
Consumer consulting center
Email : email/ Call : +82-70-8885-1490
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